Our Team
Rev. Eddie Kahler
Executive Director/Pastor
Eddie is an ordained elder in the Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. He received a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University Divinity School (MDiv ’17) and a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry (biblical languages minor) from the University of Mary Hardin Baylor (B.A. ‘14). Prior to being appointed at TCU Wesley, Eddie served as the associate pastor at Genesis UMC in southwest Fort Worth.
Hanna Newcomer Sliva
Associate Director
Hanna is a student at Brite Divinity School. After graduating from Tarleton State University, Hanna worked in public education and the foster care sector of social work. She served as a Pastoral Intern at the Tarleton Wesley Foundation for three years and the Director of Youth Ministries at FUMC Mineral Wells for six years. She is passionate about the student experience, mental health and wellness, and developing young Christian leaders.
Josie Burell
Hometown: Louisburg, Kansas
Major: Finance/Real Estate | Class of 2026
Favorite sonic drink: Cherry limeade
Favorite thing about Wesley: The dinners on Wednesday night!
Divine Aghedo
Outreach Coordinator
Hometown: Cypress, Texas
Major: Accounting/Finance | Class of 2027
Favorite Sonic Drink: Fanta
Matthew Bailey
Worship Coordinator
Hometown: Flower Mound, TX
Major: Instrumental Music Education | Class of 2027
Favorite Sonic drink: Cherry limeade slushie
Fun fact: I once sang happy birthday for both my dad and Prince Harry at the same time!
My favorite thing about Wesley: I love the welcoming and supportive community we have here. I truly feel like this is a place that I belong.
Theda Leeka
Welcome Coordinator
Major: Music Education | Class of 2028
Favorite Sonic Drink:
Fun fact:
Favorite thing about Wesley:
Grace O'Neil
Mission/Service Coordinator
Hometown: Wheeling, WV / Greenville, TX
Major: Psychology | Class of 2027
Favorite Sonic Drink: Hi-C Fruit Punch
Fun Fact: I learned how to knit and crochet before I learned how to tie my shoes.
My favorite thing about Wesley: I love having a place where I can worship and connect with people who are so loving and accepting!
Tyler Pham
Community Coordinator
Hometown: Richardson, Texas
Major: Instrumental Music Education | Class of 2027
Favorite Sonic Drink: Cherry Limeade
Fun Fact: I have two younger sisters
My favorite thing about Wesley: The people! (and snacks of course)
Oliver Roberts
Discipleship Coordinator
Hometown: Commerce, TX
Major: History & Political Science | Class of 2028
Favorite Sonic Drink: Cherry limeade
Fun fact: My spirit animal is a capybara!
Favorite thing about Wesley: Dinner!
Brecht Shagena
Hospitality Coordinator
Hometown: Keller, TX
Major/Minor: Movement Science/Child Development | Class of 2027
Favorite Sonic Drink: Ocean Water with Powerade
Fun fact: I love Harry Styles!
My favorite thing about Wesley: The community!
Knox Stroman
Wednesday Night Coordinator
Hometown: Bedford, Texas
Major: Music Education | Class of 2026
Favorite Sonic Drink: Cherry Limeade
Fun fact: I can Yo-Yo!
My favorite thing about Wesley: Sense of community and the ability to relax and take a step back from college when the semester gets crazy.